spurtCMS Packages

The spurtCMS Core module "pkgcore", serves as the foundation for developers seeking to architect dynamic and secure web applications in Golang. Within this module there are four essential package bundles, each contributing pivotal functionalities to user authentication, member management, and content governance. With pkgcore module, developers can construct agile, user-centric applications supported by robust authentication, membership, and content management capabilities.

git link go get github.com/spurtcms/pkgcore@v1.0.45
Unlock endless possibilities for your CMS application development journey!

Harness the power of community-driven development; Create robust, feature-rich CMS applications that meet the evolving needs of your users!

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  • Migrate or set up the necessary database tables for handling authentication-related data.
  • Generates and returns an authentication token, typically used for user authentication and authorization processes.
  • Validates the authenticity and integrity of a given authentication token.
  • Check if a user login attempt is valid by verifying credentials against stored user information.
  • Retrieves a list of roles available in the system.
  • Fetches role information based on the provided role ID.
  • Creates a new role in the system.
  • Updates an existing role with new information.
  • Deletes a role from the system.
  • Retrieves the status of a role, such as active or inactive.
  • Checks if a role with a given name already exists in the system.
  • Fetches all available data related to roles in the system.
  • Creates a new permission for a role or user.
  • Creates or updates an existing permission in the system.
  • Retrieves a list of permissions associated with a specific role ID.
  • Fetches details of a permission based on the provided permission ID.

Overall, the Auth package , enables Go developers to build secure and scalable systems while adhering to best practices in access control and user management.

  • Migrate or set up the necessary database tables required for handling member access control.
  • Retrieves information about a specific space, which could be a section or division within the application, typically related to content organization or access control.
  • Retrieves details about a specific page within the admin CMS application.
  • Retrieves information about a specific memeber group or access control group within the system.
  • Performs checks to verify if a page requires login authentication for access.
  • Retrieves a list of content items accessible to memebers based on their access rights and permissions.
  • Retrieves access control information based on the provided ID, allowing administrators to manage user access rights more granularly.
  • Creates access control settings for members, specifying the level of access they have to specific resources or functionalities within the system.
  • Updates existing member access control settings with new configurations or permissions.
  • Deletes member access control settings, revoking access to specific resources or functionalities as needed.
  • Retrieves channels along with their associated entries, related to content management or publishing.
  • Retrieves the count of channels available within the CMS admin, providing insights into the overall structure and organization of content.

By leveraging the functionalities of spurtCMS Member Restrict package, GO developers can implement robust access control mechanisms to ensure the security and integrity of the application's data and functionalities.

  • Database Setup: Migrate or set up necessary tables for member management.
  • Member Groups: Retrieve, create, update, and delete member groups.
  • Members: Retrieve, create, update, and delete members.
  • Record Validation: Check for existing email addresses, phone numbers, and names in member records.
  • Interaction Features: Provide functionality for member delete popups and active member checks.
  • Member Details: Retrieve details of specific members based on ID.
  • Authentication and Tokens: Create tokens for authentication, check member login credentials, and verify token integrity.
  • Password and OTP Management: Update member passwords and associated one-time passwords.
  • Registration and Updates: Register new members and update member information.
  • Group Records: Check if names exist in member group records.
  • Dashboard Stats: Retrieve member counts for CMS admin dashboard purposes.

By centralizing member-related operations, the package simplifies the development and maintenance of systems that require user management capabilities.

  • Teams package provides functionalities to list, create, update, and delete user accounts and team members. These functions ensure data integrity by validating user information such as email addresses, phone numbers, and usernames. 
  • Users can securely change their passwords, while administrators can check if specific roles are already assigned. 
  • Detailed user information is retrievable, and users have the autonomy to update their own profiles. 
  • Additionally, the package supports dashboard functionalities by providing user statistics and counts, aiding administrators in effective management and oversight of the CMS platform.

The spurtCMS Content module, "pkgcontent", stands as a vital component within the spurtCMS framework, equiped towards empowering developers in crafting dynamic and secure web applications in Golang. This module encapsulates three main packages - "categories," "channels," and "spaces," each playing a distinct role in content management and user engagement. With pkgcontent, developers shall have the ability to buid flexible content architecture, controlled content access, and insightful content tracking and auditing.

git link go get github.com/spurtcms/pkgcontent@v1.0.70
Unleash boundless potential for your CMS application development!

Embrace the feature-packed CMS applications that adapt to your users' evolving requirements!

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  • Administrators can seamlessly navigate through the system's organizational structure by utilizing functions like CategoryGroupList, which retrieves an exhaustive list of existing category groups, while CreateCategoryGroup function allows the addition of new ones. 
  • Updating and deleting category groups are facilitated by UpdateCategoryGroup and DeleteCategoryGroup functions respectively, ensuring adaptability and clutter-free organization. 
  • ListCategory function furnishes a detailed rundown of available categories, while AddCategory empowers administrators to append new ones within existing groups. 
  • Subcategory refinement is enabled through UpdateSubCategory and DeleteSubCategory functions, offering precision in content classification. 
  • DeletePopup offers a user-friendly interface for confirmation actions. 
  • Detailed subcategory information is retrievable via GetSubCategoryDetails, and FilterSubCategory enables targeted management actions.
  • CheckCategoryGroupName and CheckSubCategoryName functions guarantee the uniqueness of category and subcategory names respectively, upholding data integrity. 
  • There is a master function AllCategoriesWithSubList that provides a holistic view of the category ecosystem, ensuring administrators possess the necessary tools for streamlined and effective content organization within the CMS.
  • Content package enables retrieving channels, fetching channels based on user permissions, and obtaining details about specific channels by their IDs. 
  • Administrators can create, edit, and delete channels, as well as modify their status. 
  • Retrieval of master field types for channels and provides a list of channels for display on the admin dashboard.
  • Facilitates the management of channel entries by allowing administrators to retrieve all entries across channels, fetch published entries, create new entries, and delete existing ones.
  • Retrieving additional field data for specific channels, fetching details about individual entries by their IDs, updating entry details, modifying entry statuses, and retrieving statistics about entry counts.
  • Administrators can view lists of entries for dashboard display and fetch recent activities related to entries or channels.

Overall, spurtCMS content package enbales administrators to streamline content creation, organization, and monitoring processes effectively.

  • SpaceDetail: This function facilitates the retrieval of detailed information regarding specific spaces within the CMS, which helps comprehensive understanding of individual spaces' configurations and attributes.
  • SpaceList: Administrators can access a comprehensive list of all spaces available within the CMS, providing a comprehensive overview of the system's organizational structure and facilitating streamlined navigation.
  • MemberSpaceList: By leveraging this function, administrators can retrieve a specific list of spaces accessible to specific members, ensuring that users have access only to relevant spaces based on their roles or permissions.
  • SpaceCreation: This function allows administrators to create new spaces within the CMS, facilitating the expansion and customization of the system's content architecture to suit evolving new needs.
  • SpaceUpdate: Enables administrators to dynamically modify existing space configurations for its Title, description, cover image etc, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in aligning spaces with changing objectives or requirements.
  • DeleteSpace: Facilitates the removal of obsolete or redundant spaces from the CMS, maintaining system cleanliness and optimizing resource utilization.
  • CloneSpace: Provides administrators with the ability to duplicate existing spaces along with Page groups and pages mapped to it, enabling efficient content replication across different sections of the CMS.
  • PageCategoryList: This function retrieves a structured list of page categories.
  • CheckSpaceName: Ensures the uniqueness of space names, preventing duplication and ensuring clarity and consistency in space identification and management.
  • InsertPage1: Facilitates the insertion of new pages into the CMS under a specific space or a page group, enabling administrators to expand content offerings and enhance the reading experience for users.
  • GetPublishedSpaces: Administrators can retrieve a curated list of spaces that have been published, streamlining content curation and enabling effective dissemination of content materials.
  • DashboardPagesCount: Offers administrators insightful statistics regarding the number of pages within the CMS, facilitating informed decision-making and providing valuable insights into system usage.
  • PageAliasesLog: Logs aliases associated with pages, facilitating content tracking and providing a comprehensive audit trail for administrators to monitor page activities and changes including "what changed", "when it was changed", "wwho changed it" etc.
  • PageList: Retrieves a comprehensive list of pages available within the CMS, empowering administrators with a detailed overview of the system's content inventory and organizational structure.
  • MemberPageList: Offers members access to a specific list of pages based on their roles or permissions, ensuring that users only have access to relevant content materials.
  • GetPageContent: This function enables administrators to retrieve detailed content associated with specific pages within the CMS, facilitating content management and editing processes.
  • UpdateNotes, UpdateHighlights: Enable memebers or readers of the content, to update existing notes and highlighted sections within pages, ensuring content accuracy and relevance.
  • RemoveHighlightsandNotes: Provides memebers or readers of the content with the functionality to remove highlighted sections and notes from pages, which they longer need to keep track of.

Collectively, these functions of Space package empower administrators to effectively manage, organize, and enhance the content and user experience within the CMS-administered content space.
