
Templating lies at the heart of spurtCMS, empowering developers to seamlessly integrate dynamic content within their web applications. Leveraging the power of Go's html/template and text/template libraries, spurtCMS provides a robust framework for creating and rendering templates that drive the user experience.

spurtCMS Template Folder Structure:

The spurtCMS template folder structure within spurtCMS projects is meticulously organized to streamline development workflows and facilitate template management. From the assets directory housing essential resources to the layouts, partials, and static folders orchestrating the layout and presentation of web content, each component plays a pivotal role in shaping the visual narrative of spurtCMS-powered websites.


        - _default
            - baseof.html
            - single.html
            - list.html
                - authheader.html
                - authfooter.html
                - forgot-email.html
                - change-email.html
                - change-emailOTP.html
                - change-password.html
                - change-passwordOTP.html
                - password-reset.html
                - login.html
                - signup.html
                - scripts.html
                 - 404.html
            - css
            - icons


spurtCMS Templates