"Space Variables" refers to Variables used in spurtCMS LMS template that handles data associated with the Spaces entity.

Here's a description of each of the Space variables and its purpose.

            1) Space Loop             - {{range .Spaces}} {{end}}
            2) Space Name             - {{.Title}}
            3) Space Description     - {{.Description}}
            4) Category             - {{range .Categories}}{{.}} {{end}}
            5) Space Slug             - {{.SpaceSlug}}
            6) SpaceId                 - {{.Id}}
            7) SpaceCount              - {{.Count}}

            . Spaces: Returns an array containing details of spaces.
            . Title: Returns the title of the current space.
            . Description: Provides the description of the current space.
            . Categories: Returns an array of categories associated with the space.
            . Id: Returns the unique identifier of the current space.
            . Count: Indicates the total count of spaces available.


{{range .Spaces}}


		{{range .Categories}}{{.}} {{end}}



spurtCMS Templates